A customer exchanges an item as collateral for a short-term cash loan. The item is returned to the customer after the loan amount and interest fees are paid. Sometimes, when a customer needs an extension on paying their loan, the item is held longer and the customer agrees to extend the terms of the loan for an additional length of time.

Hours Of Operation

Mon-Fri: 9:00am to 6:00pm
Sat: 10:00am to 6:00pm
Sundays: CLOSED

We offer pawn loans from $10-$20,000+. Interest and the loan repayment is based on a 30 day repayment period.

1. Bring in an item of value.
2. Pawnbroker offers a loan based on a percentage of the item’s estimated resale value.
3. The pawnbroker then keeps the item until the customer repays the loan with interest and any additional fees that may apply.

1. Loan Amount: $200
2. Monthly Interest: $25
3. Total Repayment: $225

A pawn is a collateral short-term loan. You bring in an item, and leave it as collateral, we offer a dollar amount to loan, and a loan term with a 15-day grace period to repay your pawn (loan) amount. You can renew this loan as many times as you need and we will work with you during the process.

You will need to keep track of your final payment date. If we do not hear from you within a few days of your payments due date, we will take possession and sell your item after the grace period.

We accept gold and platinum jewelry, diamonds, flat screen tv's, tools, cameras, laptops, video games, and more! Feel free to call, e-mail, or contact us on our contact us page form with any questions you may have.

Whether you want to sell, trade, or consign or get a loan come on down to our Richmond Hwy. or 9 Mile Rd. shops and let’s get started.

Services offered at Superior Outlet and Pawn Shop


Short on cash? Need a quick loan? Come down and pawn your merchandise for a quick and easy loan!


We pay top dollar for all your unwanted jewelry!


We buy, sell, trade and loan on firearms! Get cash today for yours.


Have gold & silver and are looking for quick cash? Bring it down and we'll work out a deal!